










Willflower was an app designed for my MFA Thesis at MICA. It aims to give users more agency over their impulses by helping them build their willpower through facilitated pauses. The project was published in Ellen Lupton’s book “Design is Storytelling”.

The process included: research into the psychology of impulse, willpower, and waiting, multiple iterations of low-fidelity prototypes, wireframing, branding, UI design, and the motion piece below.


Willflower was an app designed for my MFA Thesis at MICA. It aims to give users more agency over their impulses by helping them build their willpower through facilitated pauses. The project was published in Ellen Lupton’s book “Design is Storytelling”.

The process included: research into the psychology of impulse, willpower, and waiting, multiple iterations of low-fidelity prototypes, wireframing, branding, UI design, and the motion piece below.


Willflower was an app designed for my MFA Thesis at MICA. It aims to give users more agency over their impulses by helping them build their willpower through facilitated pauses. The project was published in Ellen Lupton’s book “Design is Storytelling”.

The process included: research into the psychology of impulse, willpower, and waiting, multiple iterations of low-fidelity prototypes, wireframing, branding, UI design, and the motion piece below.

"This book is dedicated to everyone who has ever struggled with temptation, addiction, procrastination, or motivation–which is to say, all of us."

"This book is dedicated to everyone who has ever struggled with temptation, addiction, procrastination, or motivation–which is to say, all of us."

"This book is dedicated to everyone who has ever struggled with temptation, addiction, procrastination, or motivation–which is to say, all of us."

"This book is dedicated to everyone who has ever struggled with temptation, addiction, procrastination, or motivation–which is to say, all of us."

Kelly Mcgonical, Phd, Author of The Willpower Instinct

Kelly Mcgonical, Phd, Author of The Willpower Instinct

Research Summary

Research Summary

1. Impulsive behavior is defined as choosing a smaller short term reward over a larger long term reward.

2. Willpower is the ability to control attention, emotions, and desires that can influence your physical health, financial security, relationships,and professional success.

3. Impulses are a response to stress that trigger the Limbic System which makes quick, emotional decisions (fight or flight).


4. If a person can delay acting on an impulse the cognitive task of decision making can be transferred to the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that is responsible for rationality and executive function.  

5. The accepted muscle-model of willpower suggests that it can be trained through exercise and practice.

4. If a person can delay acting on an impulse the cognitive task of decision making can be transferred to the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that is responsible for rationality and executive function.  

5. The accepted muscle-model of willpower suggests that it can be trained through exercise and practice.

4. If a person can delay acting on an impulse the cognitive task of decision making can be transferred to the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that is responsible for rationality and executive function.  

5. The accepted muscle-model of willpower suggests that it can be trained through exercise and practice.

4. If a person can delay acting on an impulse the cognitive task of decision making can be transferred to the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that is responsible for rationality and executive function.  

5. The accepted muscle-model of willpower suggests that it can be trained through exercise and practice.

4. If a person can delay acting on an impulse the cognitive task of decision making can be transferred to the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that is responsible for rationality and executive function.  

5. The accepted muscle-model of willpower suggests that it can be trained through exercise and practice.


1. Fishbach, A., & Breakenridge, J. (n.d.). Waiting Actually Makes People More Patient Study Finds.
2. Jewell, N. (n.d.). How to Improve Impulse Control for More Success with Simple Tips.
3. Kahneman, D. (2011). The Two Systems of Cognitive Processes.
4. McGonigal, K. (2016). Brain Hacks to Avoid Impulse Purchases You’ll Later Regret. Psychology Today.

5. McGonigal, Kelly. “The Will Power Instinct”. N.p., 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.
6. Smith, A. P., Marshall, A. T., & Kirkpatrick, K. (2014, October). Mechanisms of impulsive choice: II. Time-based interventions to improve self-control.
7. Thowfeek, T. & Thowfeek, T. (2015). Impulsiveness. Out of the FOG.
8. Whiteside, S. P., & Lynam, D. R. (2001). The Five Factor Model and impulsivity

User Journey & Wireframes

User Journey & Wireframes


Design Flats

Design Flats

Simple vector plants allow for scalability on varying screen resolutions as well as reducing visual load. The dark setting provides a sense of calm gravity to the app, and makes the atmosphere of the interface feel more private. The bright plants serve as variable rewards for each attempt a user makes of exercising willpower. The garden as a whole acts as an encouraging information visualization that documents user’s progress as they develop their willpower.

Simple vector plants allow for scalability on varying screen resolutions as well as reducing visual load. The dark setting provides a sense of calm gravity to the app, and makes the atmosphere of the interface feel more private. The bright plants serve as variable rewards for each attempt a user makes of exercising willpower. The garden as a whole acts as an encouraging information visualization that documents user’s progress as they develop their willpower.

Simple vector plants allow for scalability on varying screen resolutions as well as reducing visual load. The dark setting provides a sense of calm gravity to the app, and makes the atmosphere of the interface feel more private. The bright plants serve as variable rewards for each attempt a user makes of exercising willpower. The garden as a whole acts as an encouraging information visualization that documents user’s progress as they develop their willpower.

Simple vector plants allow for scalability on varying screen resolutions as well as reducing visual load. The dark setting provides a sense of calm gravity to the app, and makes the atmosphere of the interface feel more private. The bright plants serve as variable rewards for each attempt a user makes of exercising willpower. The garden as a whole acts as an encouraging information visualization that documents user’s progress as they develop their willpower.

Simple vector plants allow for scalability on varying screen resolutions as well as reducing visual load. The dark setting provides a sense of calm gravity to the app, and makes the atmosphere of the interface feel more private. The bright plants serve as variable rewards for each attempt a user makes of exercising willpower. The garden as a whole acts as an encouraging information visualization that documents user’s progress as they develop their willpower.


Special thanks to MICA's GD MFA program directors: Ellen Lupton, Jason Gotlieb, and Jennifer Cole-Phillips.


Light City 2018

© 2018 Louisa Liu




insta // twit // are.na // pin // drib

insta // arena // pin // linked // drib

insta // arena // pin // linked // drib